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We Are Creating a Nurturing, "Greener" Enviornment for Clients and Friends.
Our Eco-Design Consultant By: Don Stephens, InA
Innovative Site Design: From the curbs inward, native greenery, vehicle-shading trellising, and modular permeable-paving to help extend a welcome to arriving clientele. At the same time, such plantings also help reduce street noise, block the urban heat-island effect, and address rainwater run-off issues. A smart combination of "xeriscaping" (use of rockery and low water-demand plant materials) and rainwater catchment and reuse can increase on-site water economies and help simplify project permitting.
Environmental Enhancements: Birds and other beneficial urban wildlife can easily be furnished non-destructive habitat and housing in the landscaping and trellises. Controlled run-off helps recharge the aquifer and planting provided transpirational cooling while absorbing pollution
An Enlightening Aspect, As Well: By providing informative graphics, explaining the forward-thinking and unique elements of the design, all who enter will leave with fresh ideas on better, smarter shelter options. The focus would be on the structure's and site's eco-features: carbon sequestration, counteracting urban heating, waste reduction, lessened resource extraction impacts, use of local products, onsite water addressed and reduced waste and pollution. This kind of "information extra" not only reflects well on building-occupants but enhances identity and a justified pride of ownership.
Construction Materials Management: Part of careful and money-wise planning is to initially minimize project materials over-purchase and effectively process and recycle what would otherwise become waste. With directed materials-separation, construction safety is enhanced, while major waste disposal savings are assured.
Sculptural Use of Form and Shadow: Exteriors recalling the curved edges, forms, and colors of rocky canyons, while deeper recesses at windows speak of shelter and protection. It's glass that can block unwanted heat losses and gains while reflecting crystalline transparency and offer hints of the leading-edge atrium.
Leading-Edge Atrium Inside: By placing the suites around a beautifully-planted central atrium, the potential for the natural cross lighting and ventilation is optimized, along with the visual drama encountered when entering such a multi-story, conditioned green-space. water and greenery can help bring nature indoors. The resulting fresh atmosphere supports staff health, mood, productivity, and retention.
Sustainable, Natural Materials: From locally-grown products of agriculture and sustainable forestry to leading-edge building products based on recycled and recyclable "ingredients", by placing an emphasis on durable natural and renewable sources, it is easier to keep original costs low, while maintaining indoor air quality and a most inviting aesthetic. Some of these options with well-proven histories include: recaptured and recut beams from grain warehouses, richly-colored earth-based stuccoes, and plasters (over ag-fiber bales or structural blocks), formaldehyde-free plywood and strawboard, rice-hulls as naturally fire-resistant insulation, rammed earth, "urbanite" (salvaged, Ferro-stained, used concrete) plus durable, patented steel of high-recycled-content. As well, such "green" products come in all of the colors and textures found in nature.
Healthy, Durable Finishes: Rounded edges and rich textures are inviting to sight and touch. Well-chosen finishes of natural fibers, tiles of ceramic and recycled glass, resilient floorings of bamboo, cork, and linseed-impregnated wood fiber or non-toxic PVC-free polymer alternatives, very-low of VOC-free paints, coatings, and glues, color-integral organic or mineral sheet-goods, facings, and sealers can also minimize maintenance. Such choices help preserve the highest indoor-air quality and a fresh, clean atmosphere. For staff, these support productivity and comfort, while reducing absenteeism; to clientele, they speak of a health-minded commitment and extend a welcome to return for future care.
Energy-Conserving Technology: Innovations such as building-integrated photovoltaic elements (which turn sunlight directly into electricity) and biotic air-filtration (which utilizes natural plant processes to remove pollutants and thus reduce outside make-up air needs) and science-based techniques like solar heating, passive cooling and convective ventilation, in conjunction with super-insulation, smart shading and smaller, more efficient mechanical-equipment... all of these tools aid the knowledgeable designer in realizing the typically-achieved 50% to 75% green-building energy savings, over conventional "last-century" construction methods. And with the much higher purchased-energy costs anticipated for coming years, these savings help put building-owners many dollars-ahead, while greatly enhancing their capital-investment, as well.